jet-black waterfall.

And he stood like that, got

up as some sort of half-sexed horsewoman-man-thing, his genitals locked away helplessly as he stroked the lush, willing female form in front of him with his hampered hands, so near and yet so terribly far!

"This feller was a real challenge at first, the Cowgirl said, "But his wife told us all about him, so we knew what to expect. Seems she was one of these Mail-Order Brides from the Phillipines or some such, and he wrote and told her that he wanted to be properly tamed by an Oriental Woman. So once they got married, and she had his bank accounts and all, she one day just takes all his clothes away and drives him out here to us! As part of the act, he kept trying to say that she wasn't really his wife an' she'd drugged him or something, but she had all the papers all nice an' proper, she did warn us he'd try to get himself in for a lot of extra grief!

"Well, he sure did that all


right! Kept trying to tell everyone that his wife was the sister of some famous lady and that she wasn't really his wife, but he knew his wife's sister, an' finally his story got so tangled up, we just locked that gag in his mouth to shut him up. Then, when he kept giving us trouble, we prettied him up like you see and locked him up in The Black Stallion's


Pen for a week or so. Well, after a few days of that, he was acting like about the damnedest fillie you ever saw! The Stallion had this guy prancing around, swishing his tail and just doing any outlandish thing he could to keep from being.... Well, you know. So now that we've got him so tamed, he's safe enough that we let him give Massage to Ponies that've had their workouts. Jeannie that's the fillie's name now-works on the Mares and Studs both, and we've never had any complaints! He'll probably be takin' care of you this afternoon, once I get you broke in!"



Broke IN!?!? What could that

All too soon, I found out. The Cowgirl took me out in the hot sun

to a grassy pen fixed up with a device rthat looked like some kind of mechanical wheel. There were metal spokes extending out from the base, and once the Cowgirl had tied my bridle to one of these,

I was helpless to pull away.

Casually, she flipped a switch at the base of the mechanical wheel and it began turning, pulling me along with it in a slow circle.

"Keep up now, "the Cowgirl commanded, "Raise them knees high... higher! Hold that head up. Up! Stick out them titties like a Good Pony! Swish that ass... Swish it! Keep them knees up!"